published Apr 10th 2021

First semester at CTU FIT

I would like to share my experience with study at Faculty of Information Technology (FIT), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). Faculty buildings are located in Dejvice campus, which is beautiful, knowledge-full place in Prague. Except FIT there are other CTU faculties and University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. Students at FIT study common study program "Computer Science" and they choose some area of specialization in later years. Let me tell you something about subjects in first semester. (English lesson is not one of them, that's why this article looks like this 😄)


Číslicové a analogové obvody

One of the simpler subjects in the first semester. This is a basic introduction of fundamental hardware parts, such as resistors, coils, capacitors, transistors etc. The whole subject is accompanied by Wolfram Mathematica software and it is important to master this software to pass every single test. Lectures given by Dr.-Ing. Martin Novotný were always an entertaining and interesting part of day. Practical lectures were mostly about Wolfram Mathematica software.


Matematická logika

For many people another easy subject, for me an interesting nightmare. Lectures given by Mgr. Jan Starý, Ph.D. reminded more Eminem's concert than a regular lecture although I believe they were really interesting. During the semester there are two small tests and subject is finished by an exam. Topics are propositional calculus and first-order logic.


Programování a algoritmizace 1

In my opinion the most interesting subject of the first semester and the actual reason why people apply for this school. It is about basics of C programming language. The whole subject is accompanied by homework system ProgTest which is familiar to every student of CTU FIT. Lectures are given by Ing. Ladislav Vagner, Ph.D, who is a living legend of FIT. Lectures are funny, interesting and I can recommend them to everybody. During the semester there are a few small tests and a lot of homework. The subject is finished by a relatively hard exam (but I was able to pass it with angina, so it's not that bad).


Právo a informatika

Interesting and in my opinion important subject led by JUDr. Zdeněk Kučera, Ph.D. Entertaining lectures are ruined by their timing - both are Friday evening. There are no tests during the semester, but subject is finished by an exam.


Programování v shellu 1

Entertaining subject. Students should learn basics of unix-like operating systems. Practical lectures are mostly about administration of Linux with unix shell and general scripting functions in bash. There are a lot of tests during the semester (almost every practical lecture) and it is important to study at home a lot.


Základy matematické analýzy

The first of four big mathematical subjects. Interesting topics like sequences, limits, derivates, classical theorems, taylors polynomials, intergration etc. In my opinion the subject is ruined by hardcore semester tests and final exam. Teachers are paying unnecessary attention to trifles. It is also necessary to memorize a lot of definitions.


Úvod do Linuxu

Online lectures and an exam in school. Topic is basics of unix-like operating systems.


Přípravný kurz matematiky

Preparatory math lessons during summer holidays before the first semester. Students who have passed those online lessons can take an exam at school and earn a considerable amount of credits.


Tělesná výchova 1

CTU offers over 30 sports and other activities students can choose from. I chose swimming and I didn't make a mistake. Although jumping into the cold water in the morning at Podolí swimming pool is not for everyone.